Thursday, October 2, 2008
I figure that every week I will post a little bit about what is going on in the pregnancy. First I will post something from iVillage (my favorite website ever!), and then I will write about what is going on with me. Sound good?? Good.

Week 10
Important Developments
  • head is clearly divided from the body by neck
  • intestines begin to move to abdominal cavity
  • some abdominal wall defects detectable through ultrasound
  • placenta visible on ultrasound

By the end of this week, your baby will have verifiable fingers and toes. The tadpole appearance diminishes as the tail completely disappears. Eyelids fuse and will stay shut until weeks 25 to 27. Both the external ear and upper lip are complete, and the beginnings of external genitalia appear. The average size of your baby-to-be is 27 to 35 millimeters, crown to rump, or 1.06 to 1.38 inches. Your little one weighs in at a hefty four grams! At the end of the eighth week of gestation your little one is no longer an embryo; from now on he or she is refered to as a fetus.

In about 10 more weeks I will start taking pictures of my belly. I started at 20 weeks with my first pregnancy.

I still have not had any morning sickness. There has only been one discomfort, that I have to deal with DAILY. Unless I don't do anything all day. Which is just impossible. I know it's early, but I am getting braxton hicks contactions SO BAD. They can start as early as 6 weeks, but snce your uterus is so small, you don't feel them. HOWEVER, they get more pronounced with each pregnancy. I don't know why they are so bad. I was cleaning the other day and I had to sit down every so often because they are so uncomfortable!!!!

Other than that, this time around has been such a breeze. Only, I have a lot more to deal with. Adriana has been kind of bratty at bedtime. She does this thing where I'll put her up there, and she is ASLEEP, I will walk downstairs, and as soon as I hit the last step, she starts crying. I wait, because usually she will whine for a few minutes, then fall back asleep. But last night, this happened 3 TIMES, and each time, it progressed into full blown SCREAMING. Why is she doing this? She used to be so good! I'm gonna make myself feel better, and chalk it up to her teething, but I can't be sure so I'm not gonna load her up on baby tylenol!

And then there is work. I need the job badly right now, because it's hard to get hired while pregnant. But I hate it so much. I wish they would just take me out of produce. Why do they need me? They DON'T! I can't lift anything heavier than 20 lbs, I can't do all the stuff I used to, and I just feel like a burden on everyone else. It sucks. Last time I didn't work at all. I wish I could this time, but we have rent, bills and of course, Adriana. Oh well, I will get through it. It seems to be making the time pass a little faster anyway.

That's it for now. I'm gonna see if I can put her down for a nap so I can get some cleaning done.


posted by ginabina! at 12:50 PM |