Week 10
Important Developments
- many major central nervous system defects can be identified through ultrasound
- heartbeat around 137-144 bpm
Your baby-to-be is about 50 millimeters crown to rump and weighs about eight grams

So now I'm at week 11. I feel like it's going by so fast this time. Of course that's probably because I'm not sitting around doing nothing all day. I'm glad, because I can't wait to get to the big preggo belly part, but sad because that part will most likely go fast also.
I am dying to find out what we're having, but I'm not getting all psyched up for a boy. I really feel like that's what we're having, but I'm scared that we'll go to the ultrasound and find out it's a girl, and seem disappointed. I would never be disappointed, I wanted a baby regardless. I would feel bad for Rich though, he really wants a son. I do too, I want to be done having kids.
I would never get my tubes tied or make Rich go through anything so permanent. There are plenty kinds of birth control that are awesome, and require little effort. Some last for 5 years. I'll be looking into that.
I had the worst sleep ever last night. Adriana went to bed so good at about 10:30. I laid her in the crib and she stayed asleep, and didn't even make a sound. I was gonna head to bed about 12:30, and all of a sudden my brother and sister came home. Ally had to get her charger, so they come home at 12:30, when they know the baby is sleeping. They pull up and leave the car running. Bright Idea. The dog starts barking. Awesome. Adriana starts screaming. I go in and get her to lay back down and Cory starts talking and laughing on the phone. I was getting so frustrated. That is exactly why I didn't want to stay here.
It's nothing against my moms house. I lived with her for 23 years. But I have a baby now, and my mom has babies that don't care about anyone else but themselves. They leave and all is quiet again. And I know Cory will be coming home again, and the same exact thing will happen. So I take my screaming 10 month old and put her in the bed I was gonna sleep in and I lay down with her. She started rolling around, laughing and trying to get comfortable. This girl moves around SO MUCH, it's ridiculous. I hardly slept! I was hanging off the bed. I did eventually get SOME sleep, because I woke up at 5:45 and her head was toward the end of the bed. I don't remember her moving that way. I figured at that point that everyone was in for the night and I put her back in her crib. She woke me up at 8:30.
I'm exhausted.
Labels: 11 weeks pregnant, ivillage