Well, we are moving out next weekend. We gave our new landlord $800 and he is letting us give him another $800 over the next 2 months. The new place is 10000000000000x nicer than our place now. I described it in a previous post I believe, and I just really can't wait to be out of this hell hole.
On a side note... Adriana is so freakin close to walking it's ridiculous. The past couple days she has taken 3 steps!! It's so amazing. I can't believe she is going to be 1 next month. We are planning her birthday party, which is another reason I'm glad I'm moving. This other house is so much bigger!!
I was going to start packing, but I'm so tired. I feel like I could sleep for a year. We had a very... productive night the other night, so to speak ;) On top of that, every position I sleep in hurts me in some way. If it's not my legs cramping, it's my arms getting pins and needles, or my back, or neck, or something. It sucks! I don't remember this happening last time.
I do remember having weird dreams. Last night I dreamt Rich cheated on me with a 15 yr old. I pulled her hair, and all that good stuff. I was mad at her, and upset with Rich. I almost woke him up to tell him about it. When I did finally tell him, he reminded me that I had a dream he cheated on me last time I was pregnant. I wonder if it's something in my subconcious that makes me feel that way. But I don't think it like, awake, because I know he wouldn't cheat on me.. he's not that type of guy. That, and he always lets me know how much he loves me every day.
I also had a dream last night that I was being chased by Russians. IDK. I don't think I've ever dreamt about that before, but I could be wrong? LOL. Anyway. That's enough babbling for now.