Thursday, May 22, 2008
My intent was to update this every other day. It's been 10. It's been a busy almost week and a half though. Last week I went to Stacy's brothers Wake and Funeral. It was the saddest thing I've ever seen. Ugh. You know you're a part of the family when you give the mom a hug at her son's wake and she says "Ohhh my 4th kid!!!!"
While I was giving her a hug, I said; "You did such a good job, I hope you know that." And she said "I hope so.." So I told her she did, even with me!!! She's an amazing lady, really.

Me and Rich are having a cookout Monday. He has Memorial Day off, and it's going to be so nice outside. We invited Stacy and Jason and some of his friends from work. Hopefully they will all come. The carnival is actually right up the street in the baseball field, so Rich and I will probably take the baby by later. She likes to see all the colors and lights and everything, it entertains her.

GOD, she is getting SO big! I can't deal. I want another baby so bad :( Just last Sunday I saw her roll over from her BACK to her belly. Now mind you, she has been rolling over from her belly to her back for a long time. It was amazing. I'm in awe at how much this little girl is growing. I don't want to say I want her to grow up, because I know that I will miss this, but I just want to see her older! With long hair that I can put in pig tails, and a cute little voice, and walking and running.

Anyway. I have to go finish cleaning, since I won't have time to do it this weekend before Monday. Not that anyone will be in my room, but just in case they get lost going to the bathroom.... lol. Here is a picture of Adriana in her first bathing suit, a cute little 2-piece LOL. I still can't believe her father let me buy it! I guess I don't have to worry about that until she's old enough to start fillin the damn things out, haha.
Doesn't she look so cute???

posted by ginabina! at 2:05 PM | 0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
so here I am at blogger... or blogspot? or whatever. I used to have 54,299 usernames at livejournal and such, and they lasted me a while, but then I kind of just.. "forgot" about them. I actually tried to log into one not too long ago, but I can't remember my password to save my freakin life!

Anyway, I won't get into much about me, because if you're reading this, that means you're in fact NOT blind, and can see my profile. But for what I didn't put in there, I will tell you here.. I have been with my boyfriend, Rich, for almost 2 years now.. we have a 5month, 1 week and 5 day old daughter named Adriana. (Yeah we didn't waste any time.) She was a big surprise, but was very much welcomed. Now after staying home with her every day (ALL DAY) for 5 months, I went back to work. I used to be a key holder at a clothing store, making pretty decent money.. NOW, I stock produce at Super WalMart. I went backwards I know.. but I was out of work for a little over a year, and it's hard to get back into the game. Anyway, I HATE IT. I hate the hours, because I don't get home till 10:30, and then the baby is up till 1, and then she's up at 4:30, 7:30.. and then I go BACK to work at 1! It's HELL! However, I DO have an interview on Tuesday for a job that seems a little better suited for me, dealing with kids. I can definitely handle kids!

I'm actually not having a good time lately anyway. I desperately want another baby. And it seems like everyone around me is getting pregnant. My good friend from high school, Jessy, actually has the same due date I did a year ago! And now, Rich's best friend Mike, for some reason unknown to ANYONE, impregnated his slimey, grimey, smelly janelly! She is 2 months along.. and I already feel bad for this baby. I wish they would come to their senses and put this poor thing up for adoption, so it can have a fair chance at a good life. But whatever.

I also just found out on Thursday, that my best friend of 16 years's brother passed away. I won't get into the details of what happened, but it was very sudden, and unexpected, although somewhat EXPECTED. You just never think this stuff is going to happen. I've known him more than half my life and he was always kind of like my big brother too. They are not taking this too well.. He was young, only 35, and had a wife and 2 young kids. I feel so bad for them it's just the worst thing that could happen. No mother should have to bury their child... ever. It just shouldn't work that way.

And it just makes it so much worse that he was the NICEST guy you would've ever met. He really would've done anything for anybody.. and he just had this loud welcoming voice.. and no matter who you were, he would ALWAYS have something to talk about with you.

I remember the last time I saw him, and it was the first time he had met Adriana. He just kept saying "Wow, she's so cute.. that's awesome. Wow.. that's awesome." in his serious Boston accent. It's like he couldn't believe that I had a baby... I mean I met them when I was 7, so it probably just seemed so weird for him to realize that I was all grown up lol.
Needless to say I'm pretty upset about this.. it's like.. it happened to the nicest family you would ever meet. They don't even have it in them to hurt a freakin FLY!! The wake and funeral are set for Tuesday and Wednesday.. I don't know if I can handle it, but I think that if they can make it through, then I definitely can..

Anyway I guess that's life... I don't usually have any interesting things to talk about, but maybe a blog will help me deal with it all?

Orrrrrr... maybe things will just be ok? :)
posted by ginabina! at 3:22 PM | 0 comments