Ugh, I can't believe how long it's been since I have updated. I am now juuuuust about 22 weeks pregnant. I had an ultrasound last thursday, my 3rd one. It was awesome! It took about an hour, and I had a a poor sick baby and her daddy sleeping in the car. But I had to go, I spent all day the day before throwing up everything that I consumed, so I was worried. Our little boy is doing fantastic. He is still very much a boy. I gained 1 lb in a month, which means I have only lost 7 lbs. It may be different since I didn't really eat or drink anything for 2 days after my appt.
And let me tell you about this sickness. We were at my mom's house for some pizza and old home movies *GAG* last wednesday. Adriana was fine all day.. it was actually the first day she kinda gave me some time to myself, since the last 2 were cranky days. She wouldn't really eat anything over there, just wanted to be held by everyone. We decided to leave cuz she was beginning to feel warm, and started to look really sick. So we get home and I take off her coat and sit with her on the couch. She was kinda whining but more or less just resting her head on my shoulder. Seriously like 3 minutes later, she was like.. projectile vomiting all over me. I got up and rushed her over to the sink, took off all of our yucky clothes and put her in the bath. She screamed.
She seemed fine, she fell asleep while I was holding her. I put her upstairs then hopped in the shower really quick to wash off the extra vomit. YUCK. After I got out I went upstairs to check on her.. she was laying in throw up. Ugh. I grabbed her and brought her downstairs and washed her up. She sat with me at the sink until she threw up again, and then I called my mom.
Rich brought us to the ER then went home to go to sleep since he had to work at 7. Adriana threw up on me in the waiting room. They took her right away thankfully. We were in the back waiting to be seen by a Dr. when she started throwing up again. By this time, the poor girl had nothing left in her system to throw up. We had given her tylenol before we left too, and they took her temp there and it was 100.5. I found out later that we hadn't been giving her enough.
Anyway, they gave her pedialyte and said we'll be back to see if she held it down. She did. We left there about 2am. She had some more pedialyte and went to sleep and I went to sleep.
The next morning no one was sick. Adriana was a little weak and whiney, but not throwing up. Rich was at work, so it was only me and her. Which proved to be a problem, because all of a sudden I started feeling like I had no energy. I was sitting on the floor and I got up to get her more pedialyte, and I immediately felt dizzy. She followed me into the kitchen, which lead to me running to the bathroom and throwing up. When she saw what was happening, she started screaming and ran away. I couldn't even help her. :( When I felt better I noticed she had ran into our bedroom and was standing in the doorway crying. My throwing up continued all day. Thankfully, friday I felt a little better, being on tylenol every 6 hours. I called out of work though, I didn't think I could make it 9 hours on my feet all day.
To make a REAAAALLYYYYYY (sorry!!) long story short, Adriana woke up saturday morning because she threw up. I called her on call Dr and they said that the office was opening at 8:30 and I could probably get her in. They gave me an "unofficial appt" for when the Dr walked into the office at 10 lol. She told me there was nothing we could do. She has the stomach flu and unfortunately it just has to pass.
Thankfully, it did pass. Today Adriana is doing much better. I think I may keep her out of day care tomorrow just to make sure her immune system is strong enough. Right now she is sitting on the floor singing and watching Judge David Young with me, lol.

I have another OB appt in January. Everything has been really good though.. no problems whatsoever with this pregnancy, which is like the last one. I am going to post a crappy picture of an ultrasound picture. I have to get my dad to scan them for me. But in this picture you can see the baby's head, body leg and toes all in one picture. It's so cute! Can you tell? His little toes are directly above his forehead. He is also "smiling" in the picture, but you can't really see it.
I am also going to post a picture of me at 20 weeks pregnant with Adriana, and me 20 weeks pregnant with our little boy. I LOOK HUGE! I can't believe how big I am. It's ok though, I love that part. I have been feeling him kicking for about a week and a half now, but still have yet to feel it on the outside. That started happening last time around 22 weeks, so it should be soon.
OH YEAH! I forgot to mention that we are done.. YES! D-O-N-E with the bottle! Adriana goes to sleep at night when I bring her up to her bed and lay her down, without a bottle. I am going to give her some milk right now because she is crying and I think she might be thirsty, but it will be in her sippy cup. I am soooo excited to be done with those :) But anyway, I am going to try to keep up a little better with this, but for now, I must go!! Hope everyone is doing well!