Monday, September 29, 2008
I am SO tired of dealing with my landlord. We have had fleas for a couple weeks now. Can you even IMAGINE how I feel when I pick a flea off of my 10 month old baby??? I don't even have a pet! It makes me feel so dirty and disgusting. I hate where I live, I hate my landlord. I think I need to start working overnights as a cashier. I'd be making like $11 an hour. All I know, is I'm not paying my landlord another DIME, so I can get out of here. She can keep my deposit, which isn't enough to get another place anyway. She hasn't gotten rent for the last 2 weeks, and I'm not giving her anymore until I have enough for a new place. She can take me to court, I have pictures, exterminator receipt, and just the fact that they are BACK.

This place is disgusting. She knew before I moved in that there was a flea problem, and she didn't care. She let me, my boyfriend and our 9 month old (at the time) move in here, KNOWING THERE WAS FLEAS!!! That's why the last person moved out.

My neighbor keeps knocking on my door today, because she is so tired of picking the fleas off of her baby too. He will be a year old in a couple weeks. She has lived in her apartment for 2 years, and has had nothing but problems.

I am really just at my wits end. I can't take it anymore :(
posted by ginabina! at 10:24 AM | 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
HA, ok, I told you I am SO BAD AT THIS! But between work, and living in our own place now, so I actually have a whole HOUSE to clean instead of just a room, and being... *drum roll please* pregnant AGAIN, I am a busy, busy lady! ;) So here I am, putting off cleaning the house, and dusting off my blog. I am so awesome at life!

Adriana is going to be 10 months old in 5 frickin days! In 2 MONTHS my sweet little baby girl will be 1 year old! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN??? I love her so much. And now, in about 7 months, she will be a big sister!

So yeah, I found out August 28th that I was pregnant. I figured I was almost 6 weeks along, and due April 28th. (Weird..) I went to the doctors last week, pee'd in a cup, they tested it. Yup, still pregnant. I have not had an OUNCE of morning sickness. Just sore boobs. That's it! had an ultrasound yesterday, and I seriously went to the ultrasound convinced that I was no longer pregnant! When I was pregnant with Adriana I was SO sick, it was ridiculous. I never threw up, but some days I was so nauseas I couldn't even get out of bed. I am glad to be bypassing that this time, but it was a reminder that I was actually pregnant!

However, my ultrasound was amazing, the baby has a very healthy heartbeat, and my due date was changed to May 1st! YAY! A May baby!! My mom wants me to tell everyone this was an accident, since we are not married, and are probably not in the right financial state right now, but I don't care. I planned this baby, and I planned it DAMN WELL!

Yesterday I got an amusing phone call. My older brother (he's 24, and I'm 23. We will be the same age for 2 weeks!) got married in June. They have been together for like 3 years. Well. He called and said, "Guess what?" I said, "What?" He said, "You're going to be an aunt!" -CUE HYSTERICAL LAUGHING- If you knew them, you would know why I was laughing. I really wish them the best, and I know they will make good parents, but it's just unusual. I am happy for them though. My mom however.. she was SO excited when I got pregnant with Adriana. She was like, up my ass excited! I was really glad that she wasn't as thrilled about this one as I was, because now she won't be up my ass! And now that my brother is going to be a dad, YES! But she called me after she found out and said, "I ONLY WANTED 1!!!!!!" LOL. She is going to have a hard time telling people she has 3 grandkids. LOL.

So, I'm going to see the New Kids On The Block. I wish they could change their name. They are so far from being The New Kids On The Block it's not even friggin FUNNY! I have known about this forever now, and we've had the tickets for a good 2 months. And I totally forgot to request the day off of work. AWESOME. I am so good at life. I'm just gonna have to call out. We're supposed to ask for a day off 3 weeks in advance. Oops. My bad. All my friends are going out drinking after too, but I'm obviously not up for that, lol. I think I might be heading in there with my aunt and stuff, and meeting up with my friends, so I don't have to drive all the way from RI to Boston. On a friday. At 5 pm. YUCK!

Ok so maybe now I can really keep up with this thing. Oh yeah I forgot. I only have a chance to use the computer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. My days off of work. My boyfriend is addicted to World Of Warcraft, and the computer must not exist to me while he is here. Ugh. I love him though. I really do.
posted by ginabina! at 1:53 PM | 0 comments