Sunday, October 19, 2008
Well, we are moving out next weekend. We gave our new landlord $800 and he is letting us give him another $800 over the next 2 months. The new place is 10000000000000x nicer than our place now. I described it in a previous post I believe, and I just really can't wait to be out of this hell hole.

On a side note... Adriana is so freakin close to walking it's ridiculous. The past couple days she has taken 3 steps!! It's so amazing. I can't believe she is going to be 1 next month. We are planning her birthday party, which is another reason I'm glad I'm moving. This other house is so much bigger!!

I was going to start packing, but I'm so tired. I feel like I could sleep for a year. We had a very... productive night the other night, so to speak ;) On top of that, every position I sleep in hurts me in some way. If it's not my legs cramping, it's my arms getting pins and needles, or my back, or neck, or something. It sucks! I don't remember this happening last time.

I do remember having weird dreams. Last night I dreamt Rich cheated on me with a 15 yr old. I pulled her hair, and all that good stuff. I was mad at her, and upset with Rich. I almost woke him up to tell him about it. When I did finally tell him, he reminded me that I had a dream he cheated on me last time I was pregnant. I wonder if it's something in my subconcious that makes me feel that way. But I don't think it like, awake, because I know he wouldn't cheat on me.. he's not that type of guy. That, and he always lets me know how much he loves me every day.

I also had a dream last night that I was being chased by Russians. IDK. I don't think I've ever dreamt about that before, but I could be wrong? LOL. Anyway. That's enough babbling for now.
posted by ginabina! at 10:22 PM | 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ok, so I guess my OB is not changing my due date. I am still due Apri 28. That makes me 12 weeks and 3 days pregnant. That means in a short 6-8 weeks we can find out if it's a boy or another girl!

12 Weeks Pregnant.
Your baby-to-be is now 60 to 65 millimeters long or about two and a half inches long, and weighs about 14 grams. He or she has the ability to swallow and absorb and discharge fluids. Hands, now complete, are growing fingernails. Even tooth buds are appearing. Your baby's face now has a distinctly human appearance. The amniotic sac contains about 50 cubic centimeters of fluid (one and one half ounces). This week, your placenta takes over the important task of hormone production.

My OB was very quick to find the baby's heartbeat, which makes me happy. It was a beautiful sound to hear. Rich couldn't be there because he can't take Wednesays off of work, but he's been through this before. I am making my way into the 2nd trimester!! YAY! On an off note.. Adriana makes the FUNNIEST noise when she is pooping. It is hysterical.

So now this brings me to things other than baby.. The Building Inspector FINALLY came for the fleas. He called my landlord RIGHT in front of me, and told her that he was here, he had gotten numerous complaints, and he wanted to know what she was going to do about it. YESS! Score one for the buiding inspector. He was a lot nicer in person, that's for sure.

So in the mean time we have been looking for a new place to live. We found a 2 bedroom, not to far from here, but on a little side street (not up a huge hill). It's a 2 bedroom, with one bedroom upstairs and one downstairs. It's HUGE. The kitchen is ENORMOUS!! It's eat-in, has a million cabinets, and a kitchen island!!! I loved it. He wants $800 a month, with no utilities. We didn't realize that here we were paying $845 a month with no utilities, because we pay weekly.

We told him we wanted it, but we didn't have enough for first and security. ($800+$800) He said he would take the first month, and the security over 2 months. If we can get our security back from this landlord, that would be perfect. I don't even know if we will have enough for the first month though. I thought we had almost $600, but we have almost $500. I miscounted somewhere. I get paid today, and he gets paid tomorrow, but he missed a day and a half. So we can either give him the $800 and be completely broke, orrrr IDK, not take the apartment and live with disgusting fleas. UGH! I need more money. This landlord has screwed us up so much its ridiculous. :( I hate her.
posted by ginabina! at 11:04 AM | 1 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
(taken from iVillage)

Week 10
Important Developments
  • many major central nervous system defects can be identified through ultrasound
  • heartbeat around 137-144 bpm

Your baby-to-be is about 50 millimeters crown to rump and weighs about eight grams (about a quarter of an ounce). The irises are now forming. The liver, intestines, brain and lungs are beginning to function on their own. The primitive "tail" is now gone. The intestines are beginning to migrate into the abdominal cavity and the external genitalia are present but difficult to distinguish. Now that most of the major organ work is done, your baby adds such details as hair, fingernails and toenails. While your baby's head is nearly as large as the rest of her body, head growth begins to slow during this period.

So now I'm at week 11. I feel like it's going by so fast this time. Of course that's probably because I'm not sitting around doing nothing all day. I'm glad, because I can't wait to get to the big preggo belly part, but sad because that part will most likely go fast also.

I am dying to find out what we're having, but I'm not getting all psyched up for a boy. I really feel like that's what we're having, but I'm scared that we'll go to the ultrasound and find out it's a girl, and seem disappointed. I would never be disappointed, I wanted a baby regardless. I would feel bad for Rich though, he really wants a son. I do too, I want to be done having kids.

I would never get my tubes tied or make Rich go through anything so permanent. There are plenty kinds of birth control that are awesome, and require little effort. Some last for 5 years. I'll be looking into that.

I had the worst sleep ever last night. Adriana went to bed so good at about 10:30. I laid her in the crib and she stayed asleep, and didn't even make a sound. I was gonna head to bed about 12:30, and all of a sudden my brother and sister came home. Ally had to get her charger, so they come home at 12:30, when they know the baby is sleeping. They pull up and leave the car running. Bright Idea. The dog starts barking. Awesome. Adriana starts screaming. I go in and get her to lay back down and Cory starts talking and laughing on the phone. I was getting so frustrated. That is exactly why I didn't want to stay here.

It's nothing against my moms house. I lived with her for 23 years. But I have a baby now, and my mom has babies that don't care about anyone else but themselves. They leave and all is quiet again. And I know Cory will be coming home again, and the same exact thing will happen. So I take my screaming 10 month old and put her in the bed I was gonna sleep in and I lay down with her. She started rolling around, laughing and trying to get comfortable. This girl moves around SO MUCH, it's ridiculous. I hardly slept! I was hanging off the bed. I did eventually get SOME sleep, because I woke up at 5:45 and her head was toward the end of the bed. I don't remember her moving that way. I figured at that point that everyone was in for the night and I put her back in her crib. She woke me up at 8:30.

I'm exhausted.

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posted by ginabina! at 9:09 AM | 0 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Here I am, sitting at my mom and dad's house. I'm on my dad's laptop because the baby is asleep and I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored. I have to stay here for the night because the exterminator had to come back and re-spray our house. Every time they come back I have to leave for 24 hours. It's really inconvenient. I hate my house.

I haven't even talked to the landlord because I'm sick and tired of talking to her. She makes me feel like it's my fault. Like I want to live with freakin fleas??? I don't even have a pet! It makes me almost cry every time I see a flea on Adriana. That's not fair! She doesn't know how to scratch when she gets a flea bite!!!

And it's not healthy to be getting bit by fleas. They can carry all kinds of diseases. Especially being pregnant. I swear to GOD, if anything is ever wrong with this baby I'm just gonna feel like this was because of it. Ugh, I don't know why West Warwick has to be so grimey.
posted by ginabina! at 4:58 PM | 0 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Madame Zaritska will predict your birth experience after answering a few ... strangely random questions. This is what mine said;

The day you deliver, outside will be slightly overcast. Your baby will arrive in wee hours of the morning .

After a labor lasting approximately 7 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and will be 20 inches long. This child will have hazel eyes and be almost bald.

But there is more. I sense that you wonder if you will have a difficult time during labor and birth. Why don't you go listen to an actual birth? It may give you some encouragement!

Just a few things.. My labor with Adriana really only started around 1pm. At around 5:30 pm, they FINALLY gave me my epidural after dialating to 7cm. My labor slowed down A LOT, and I laid in bed, watched tv and relaxed until 10:15, when I started pushing. Adriana was born at 10:26 pm. So my labor was about 9 1/2 hours long. Adriana was born with VERY little hair. She weighed 6 lbs, 15 oz and was 19 inches long.

I KNOW it's fake, but it does seem like it could be true. They say your second labor is faster, and that the babies usually get bigger in size.. AND it says its going to be a boy! YAY!



posted by ginabina! at 11:14 AM | 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I figure that every week I will post a little bit about what is going on in the pregnancy. First I will post something from iVillage (my favorite website ever!), and then I will write about what is going on with me. Sound good?? Good.

Week 10
Important Developments
  • head is clearly divided from the body by neck
  • intestines begin to move to abdominal cavity
  • some abdominal wall defects detectable through ultrasound
  • placenta visible on ultrasound

By the end of this week, your baby will have verifiable fingers and toes. The tadpole appearance diminishes as the tail completely disappears. Eyelids fuse and will stay shut until weeks 25 to 27. Both the external ear and upper lip are complete, and the beginnings of external genitalia appear. The average size of your baby-to-be is 27 to 35 millimeters, crown to rump, or 1.06 to 1.38 inches. Your little one weighs in at a hefty four grams! At the end of the eighth week of gestation your little one is no longer an embryo; from now on he or she is refered to as a fetus.

In about 10 more weeks I will start taking pictures of my belly. I started at 20 weeks with my first pregnancy.

I still have not had any morning sickness. There has only been one discomfort, that I have to deal with DAILY. Unless I don't do anything all day. Which is just impossible. I know it's early, but I am getting braxton hicks contactions SO BAD. They can start as early as 6 weeks, but snce your uterus is so small, you don't feel them. HOWEVER, they get more pronounced with each pregnancy. I don't know why they are so bad. I was cleaning the other day and I had to sit down every so often because they are so uncomfortable!!!!

Other than that, this time around has been such a breeze. Only, I have a lot more to deal with. Adriana has been kind of bratty at bedtime. She does this thing where I'll put her up there, and she is ASLEEP, I will walk downstairs, and as soon as I hit the last step, she starts crying. I wait, because usually she will whine for a few minutes, then fall back asleep. But last night, this happened 3 TIMES, and each time, it progressed into full blown SCREAMING. Why is she doing this? She used to be so good! I'm gonna make myself feel better, and chalk it up to her teething, but I can't be sure so I'm not gonna load her up on baby tylenol!

And then there is work. I need the job badly right now, because it's hard to get hired while pregnant. But I hate it so much. I wish they would just take me out of produce. Why do they need me? They DON'T! I can't lift anything heavier than 20 lbs, I can't do all the stuff I used to, and I just feel like a burden on everyone else. It sucks. Last time I didn't work at all. I wish I could this time, but we have rent, bills and of course, Adriana. Oh well, I will get through it. It seems to be making the time pass a little faster anyway.

That's it for now. I'm gonna see if I can put her down for a nap so I can get some cleaning done.


posted by ginabina! at 12:50 PM | 0 comments